Do you want to improve your life, but you’re not sure where to start?
Then the Wheel of Life is a great way to get the clarity you need.
The Wheel of Life helps you to examine your existence and generate meaningful goals.
It is a self-assessment activity that is easy to use and works in combination with the Coaching Needs Checklist.
Coaching Needs Checklist
Tick each of the statements that are true for you in the following areas of your life, then tally your scores for each area out of 10:

The Wheel Of Life
Use the tallies from each of the six areas of the Coaching Needs Checklist to complete The Wheel of Life.

Put a dot in the appropriate location on each of the Wheel of Life’s spokes.
Draw a straight line from the dot on one spoke to the dot on the spoke next to it.
Draw a straight line from the second dot to the dot on the spoke next to that.
Keep drawing straight lines from one dot to the next until you reach the dot on the spoke you started at.
You should now have an irregular hexagon.
This visual representation of six areas of your life will help you to identify goals towards which you will want to work.
It is important to redo the Coaching Needs Checklist and Wheel of Life every three months, so that you can track your progress towards your goals or change them if it is appropriate.
After you complete the Coaching Needs Checklist and Wheel of Life, post a comment here or on Advantage Education’s Facebook page with the goals these activities have helped you set your sights on.
Any likes and shares are also appreciated as they help to spread this post to a wider audience.
Now go and have a great life.