If you live in Victoria, Australia, like I do, you are being affected by the ramifications of the second wave of Covid 19.
For those of you outside of Victoria, some of the ramifications with which we are dealing are a Stage Four Lockdown in the Melbourne area and Stage Three restrictions in rural and regional areas.
Stage Three and Four include a return to remote and flexible learning for all Victorian school students.
The feedback I received from colleagues in the education industry and parents of school aged children after the first round of remote and flexible learning suggested it was a tough situation in which to be.
So how can it be better, particularly if you are a parent, this time around?
A great place to start is taking the time to read the Learning from Home Information For Parents on the Victorian Department of Education and Training’s website.
This information includes ways to support your child while they learning from home such as:
- having a routine and setting expectations
- making sure your child has a space to work in
- providing a level of supervision suitable to your child’s stage of development and individual needs
- monitoring communications from teachers
- checking in with your child often to help them manage and pace their work
- monitoring how much time your child is spending online.

The Department also places an emphasis on starting and finishing each day with a simple check-in.
In the morning, check-in questions include:
- What are you learning today?
- What are your learning targets or goals?
- How will you be spending your time?
- What resources do you need?
- What support do you need?
In the afternoon, check-in with your child by asking:
- What did you learn today?
- What was challenging? You could come up with a way to deal with the same problem if it comes up again.
- Consider three things that went well today. Why were they good?
- Are you ok? Do you need to ask your teacher for something? Do you need help with something to make tomorrow more successful?
These check-in questions allow your child to:
- process the instructions they get from their teachers
- help them organise themselves and set priorities.
The Department’s website also shares a free advice phone line for parents who have questions about supporting their child to learn from home.
The number is 1800 338 663.
What do you think about these ideas for supporting your child’s learning during Covid’s second wave?
Please post a comment here or on our Facebook page to let us know, or to share any other ideas that you have.
Any likes and shares are also appreciated as they help to spread this post to a wider audience.
Now go and have a great life.
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