In my last post, I challenged you to brainstorm the goals you want to achieve.
If you haven’t read that post or done that activity, then go and do so now.
Your challenge today builds on the ideas generated by the brainstorm.
When you are ready, identify your number one goal from those that you brainstormed. This goal is the one you want to achieve more than any of the others.
Next, rewrite the goal using the acronym SMARTIE as your guide:
- Specific. This means you leave absolutely no doubt about what your goal is. For example, if you are a student and you say your goal is to be the best in your class, you have not been specific enough. Do you mean the best behaved? The best mathematician? The best writer? Be specific.
- Measurable. It is obvious when you have reached a measurable goal. Let’s continue the example of the student who has now specified they want to be the best mathematician in their class. A measurable element they could to add to their goals is a standard by which they will be measured. They might choose a specific exam result or their semester report.
- Achievable. Your goal needs to stretch you enough without being an unrealistic challenge. If the student who wants to be the best mathematician in the class is currently in a support group, then they may need to lower their expectations, at least for the time being.
- Relevant. Your goal needs to be relevant to you. If our hypothetical student actually didn’t like mathematics, then they haven’t picked a relevant goal for them.
- Time-Bound. When is the deadline for the achievement of your goal? Options the student might pick are by the end of Term Two, the end of the current school year, or another time.
- Inspiring. Does the prospect of working towards and achieving your goal inspire you?
- Energising. Does the prospect of working towards and achieving your goal energise you?
A possible goal for our student that follows the SMARTIE acronym could be:
“I will be the best mathematician in my year seven class as measured by the end of year exam on December 1.”
Now use the following Action Plan template to further develop your goal:

You can repeat this process with the other goals on your list or you can file them digitally or tangibly on the Some Day Maybe List:

After you finish your Action Plan and Some Day Maybe List, post them in a comment here or on Advantage Education’s Facebook page.
Any likes and shares are also appreciated as they help to spread this post to a wider audience.
Now go and have a great life.